Saturday, March 8, 2025

Translation of O Womaniya Women Empowerment Bollywood Song


O Womaniya: Gangs of Wasseypur Song Translated and Explained

Meta Description: Gangs of Wasseypur was a cult film replete with violence and sexual content. O Womaniya by Varun Grover featured Huma Qureshi and Nawazuddin Siddiqui on screen.

Setting the Background for Translating O Womaniya


Gangs of Wasseypur is a cult classic set against the backdrop of a feudal, small-town milieu, where politics, crime, violence, and class struggles form the core of the narrative. The characters are raw, unrefined, and their dialogue is laced with profanity and sexual innuendos. Amidst this gritty atmosphere, the song O Womaniya stands out as older women imparting wisdom to the younger generation, warning them about the manipulative ways of men and offering guidance on how to protect themselves from exploitation.


In keeping with the film’s visceral and earthy tone, the song pulses with energy and authenticity. While I have preserved the metrical structure to maintain this rhythmic intensity, I have had to adapt the rhyme scheme to ensure that same vitality comes through. I have worked to keep the colloquial nature of the language intact. Since transcreation was necessary to uphold the song's essence, I have also included a literal translation to offer a clearer understanding of the lyrics.


The Poetic English Translation of the Lyrics of O Womaniya


If he ogles at you

Then you should stare back

But if he tries to grab you

You should give him a smack


O woman power
O O woman power
O woman power
O O woman power
O woman power
O O woman power
O woman power
Aa Aa woman power
O woman power
Aa Aa woman power
O woman power
Aa Aa woman power
O woman power
Aa Aa woman power


When your man beckons you

And love play does seek

When your man beckons you

And love play does seek

When your man beckons you

And love play does seek

When your man beckons you

And love play does seek

Bite his ear do not

Kiss him on the cheek

Bite his ear do not

Kiss him on the cheek

Yes bite his ear do not

Kiss him on the cheek

Bite his ear do not

Kiss him on the cheek


Give him just quarter of

Whatever he asks for

Give him just quarter of

Whatever he asks for

Give him just quarter of

Whatever he asks for

If he tries to use force

Then head straight for the door


Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
La la la ha aa ha aa ah aha aa

O woman power
Aa Aa woman power
O woman power
Aa Aa woman power

Every now and then

With blouse buttons he’ll play

Every now and then

With blouse buttons he’ll play

All that he wants

Is a roll in the hay

All that he wants

Is a roll in the hay


When he warms his hands

Using your body heat


When he warms his hands

Using your body heat

When he warms his hands

Using your body heat

Into his shoulder

Sink in your sharp teeth


Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
La la la la la

O woman power
Aa ha woman power
Hey woman power
O ho woman power
This is woman power
This is woman power
Ho woman power
Aa ha woman power

He will tempt you with 

A trip to the city

He will tempt you with

A trip to the city

He will tempt you with 

A trip to the city

He will tempt you with a

Trip to the city

He wants to cuddle

And fondle your titty

He wants to cuddle

And fondle your titty

He wants to cuddle

And fondle your titty


Do not let the scoundrel

Take you for a ride …for a ride …for a ride

Do not let the scoundrel

Take you for a ride

Do not let the scoundrel

Take you for a ride

Do not go out with him

You are safer inside


Oh ho oh ho oh ho
Aa ha aa ha aa ha
Ho la la la la
La la la la

Ho woman power
Aa ha woman power
O woman power
Ah ha woman power
This is woman power

Oh woman power

Oyi woman power
Aa ha woman power


The Original Hindi Lyrics of O Womaniya from Gangs of Wasseypur


Taare jo babuna
Taari thi babuniya
Babuna ke haathe na
Chadhti babuniya


O womaniya
O O womaniya
O womaniya
O O womaniya
O womaniya
O O womaniya
O womaniya
Aa Aa womaniya
O womaniya
Aa Aa womaniya

O womaniya
Aa Aa womaniya
O womaniya
Aa Aa womaniya

Maange jo babuna
Prem nishaniyan
Maange jo babuna
Prem nishaniyan
Maange jo babuna
Prem nishaniyan
Maange jo babuna
Prem nishaniyan
Bole jo thohdi katti ho kanya
Bole jo thohdi katti ho kanya
Haan bole jo
Thohdi katti ho kanya
Bole jo thohdi katti ho kanya


Badle rupaiya ke

Dena chavaniyaa haye
Badle rupaiya ke
Dena chavaniyaa
Badle rupaiya ke
Dena chavaniyaa
Saiyyan ji jhaptte
To hona hiraniya


Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
La la la ha aa ha aa ah aha aa

O womaniya
Aa Aa womaniya
O womaniya
Aa Aa womaniya

Reh reh ke maange
Choli battaniya haan
Reh reh ke maange
Choli battaniya
Ji mein lukaye
Lo ji lotanniya
Ji mein lukaye
Lo ji lotanniya

Chaahe muhjhausa
Jab haath sikanniyaa.
Chaahe muhjhausa

Jab haath sikaniya
Chaahe muhjhausa
Jab haath sikaniya
Kandha mein dena
Ji dant bukaniya

Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
Oh ho ho ho ho aa ha aa ha
La la la la la

O womaniya
Aa ha womaniya
Aye womaniya
O ho womaniya
Yi hai womaniya
Yi hai womaniya
Ho womaniya
Aa ha womaniya

Bolega babuna
Chal ri ho Patna
Bolega babuna
Chal ri ho Patna
Bolega babuna
Chal ri ho Patna
Bolega babuna
Chal ri ho Patna
He patna bahane
Wo jayega satana
Patna bahaane
Wo jayega satana
Patna bahaane
Wo jayega satna

Deh ho na pahuna ka  

Ticket kataniya kataniya kataniyaa
Deh ho na pahuna ka  

Ticket kataaniya
Deh ho na pahuna ka  

Ticket kataaniya
Ho patna na jaana

Chaahe jaana Siwaniya


Oh ho oh ho oh ho
Aa ha aa ha aa ha
Ho la la la la
La la la la

O womaniya
Aa ha womaniya

O womaniya
Aa ha womaniya
Ye he womaniya
Oh womaniya
Oyi womaniya
Aa ha womaniya



Meanings of Colloquial Words and Phrases

 Taarana = Ogle

Babuna = Boy

Babuniya = Girl

Haathe Chadhana = Get hold of

Womaniya = Woman (the “iya” is a colloquial suffix added to most words)

Prem nishaniyan = Love bite

Thohdi = Chin

Katti ho kanya = Bite his ear

Chavaniyaa  = Four annas

Hiraniya = Deer

Choli = Blouse

Battaniya = Button

Lukaye = Hides

Lotanniya = Sprawl on the bed

Muhjhausa = With blackened face (here evil intent)

Haath sikanniyaa = Warm hands

Bukaniya = Bite

Patna = The capital city of unified Bihar, the state where Wasseypur lies

Satana = To sit close with bodies touching

Pahuna = Guest (here used as scoundrel)  

Siwan = A nondescript town in Bihar


The Literal English Translation of the Lyrics of O Womaniya


If the man ogles

The girls should ogle back

But she should not let the man get hold of her

If the man asks for love bites on his chin

Bite off his ear

For every rupee that he bestows on you

Give him only a quarter’s worth

But if he lunges at you

Flee like a deer


From time to time he will ask

To play with the buttons of your blouse

In his mind is the hidden desire

To take you to bed

With evil intent he desires

To warm his hands (on your body)

Bite deep into his shoulder


The boy will ask you

To come with him to Patna

(Patna being a big city will have attractions for a small town girl who has never gone out)

This is an excuse to

Fondle and grope you (in the crowded journey)


Do not let the scoundrel

Buy the ticket

Do not go to Patna

Even if you must settle for Siwan

(The intent is do not go anywhere with him)

O Womaniya Fact Sheet

·       Movie: Gangs of Wasseypur
·       Singers: Khushboo Raaj, Rekha Jha
·       Lyricist: Varun Grover
·       Composer: Sneha Khanwalkar
·       On Screen: Huma Qureshi & Nawazuddin Siddiqui
·       Producer: Anurag Kashyap
Enjoy the lyric video of O Womaniya.  Check out some other translations on the theme of women empowerment, but with differing approaches.
·       Mardaani Anthem (2014)
·       Suno Draupadi
Please follow Bollywood Translations and give your feedback in the comments section. Connect with me on X and Instagram @HarshNev. In case you want any song to be translated, whether from Hindi films or otherwise, please mention in the comments.
All the translations are my original work. If you quote them, you must acknowledge my name and provide a link to Bollywood Translations.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Mardaani Anthem Translated and Explained for Women’s Day


Mardaani Anthem (2014) – Poetic Translation for Women’s Day

Meta Description:  Mardaani Anthem (2014) is a stirring Bollywood song appropriate for women empowerment. Sung by Sunidhi Chauhan, the song features Rani Mukerji on screen.

Setting the Background for Translating Mardaani Anthem (2014)


Mardaani is a powerful film starring Rani Mukerji as a courageous policewoman who takes a stand against women trafficking. During the intense climax, the anthem plays in the background, symbolizing the woman as both a goddess of peace and strength. In her peaceful form, she has the power to transform men’s lives into heaven, provided they act with responsibility and respect. As the embodiment of strength, she will not hesitate to vanquish those men with evil intentions toward women.

A revised version of this impactful anthem was released alongside the sequel, Mardaani 2, which will be translated in here later.

The Poetic English Translation of the Lyrics of Mardaani Anthem (2014)


Hail goddess residing in all

Established as a form of strength

Hail goddess residing in all

Established as a form of peace


From today, from now my honour

I will not let you besmirch

You may rip and rent my body

My respect you cannot touch


From today from now my honour

I will not let you besmirch

You may rip and rent my body

My respect you cannot touch


Treat me gently and then see

How I ensconce you within my heart

But if you try to molest me

From limb to limb I’ll tear you apart


Yes, from limb to limb I’ll tear you apart

From limb to limb tear you apart, yes


Whether skirt or gown; day or night

I will not take one step in dread

No more protests with candles sandals

But boldly I will stride instead


Here, where mothers and sisters

Are abuses not relations

With such a senseless heartless world

I will sever all connections


You try to walk in step with me

See the heavenly path we chart

But if you try to molest me

From limb to limb I’ll tear you apart


Yes, from limb to limb I’ll tear you apart

From limb to limb tear you apart, yes


The Original Hindi Lyrics of Mardaani Anthem (2014)


ya devi sarvabhuteshu,

shakti rupena samsthita

ya devi sarvabhuteshu,

shanti rupena samsthita


aaj se ab se aan meri main

tumko na chhoone dungi

jaan ko chaahe chhalni kar do

maan ko na chhoone dungi


aaj se ab se aan meri main

tumko na chhoone dungi

jaan ko chaahe chhalni kar do

maan ko na chhoone dungi


chhoo ke dekho dil mera

tumhe dil mein apne bhar lungi

par chhed ke dekho tum mujhko

main tumko nahi chhodungi


(aye, main tumko nahi chhodungi)

(tumko nahi chhodungi… aye…)


skirtein saari raat dopehari

darr darr ke nahi chalungi

candle jala ke sandal dikha ke

mar mar ke nahi chalungi


jis duniya mein maa behne

rishte nahi hain, gaali hain

uss duniya se maryada ke

rishte saare todungi


kadam milake dekho to

main saath me tere chal dungi

par chhed ke dekho tum mujhko

main tumko nahi chhodugi


(aye, main tumko nahi chhodungi)

(tumko nahi chhodungi… aye…)



The Literal English Translation of the Lyrics of Mardaani Anthem (2014)


Hail goddess residing in all

Established as a form of strength

Hail goddess residing in all

Established as a form of peace



From today from now my honour I

Will not let you touch

You can rip my life to shreds

My self respect I will not let you touch


Touch my heart and see

I will fill you in my heart

But try and molest me

I will not let you live


Whether in skirt or sari, at night or noon

I will not tread in fear

No candle protests and sandal displays

I will not walk like a coward


In the world where mothers and sisters

Are linked to abuses and not relations

From that world all honourable

Connections I will sever


Walk in step with me and see

I will walk in step with you

But try and molest me

I will not let you live


Mardaani Anthem (2014) Fact Sheet

·       Movie: Mardaani
·       Singer: Sunidhi Chauhan
·       Lyricist: Kausar Munir
·       Composer: Salim-Sulaiman
·       On Screen: Rani Mukerji
·       Producer: Aditya Chopra (Yash Raj Films)
Enjoy the video of Mardaani Anthem (2014).  I have other Women’s Day songs at Bollywood Translations with more in the pipeline.
·       Suno Draupadi
Please follow Bollywood Translations and give your feedback in the comments section. Connect with me on X and Instagram @HarshNev. In case you want any song to be translated, whether from Hindi films or otherwise, please mention in the comments.
All the translations are my original work. If you quote them, you must acknowledge my name and provide a link to Bollywood Translations.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Galatfehmi Translated from 2005 Bollywood Movie Nadaaniyan


Galatfehmi – Translation of Bollywood Song from Nadaaniyan

Meta Description: Galatfehmi is a song from Bollywood film Nadaaniyan starring Ibrahim Ali Khan and Khushi Kapoor. Enjoy the karaoke style translation set to the original score.

Setting the Background for Translating Galatfehmi


‘Galatfehmi’ refers to misunderstanding, while 'nadaaniyan' denotes mistakes made out of ignorance—especially during youth. Together, these terms paint a picture of two young individuals who confuse their youthful infatuations with true love, only to later blame each other for the ensuing complications in their lives. The full significance of this song within the context of the film will become clear when it is released on March 7, 2025.

The Poetic English Translation of the Lyrics of Galatfehmi


What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

That till yesterday was alright

O you would hear my heartbeat

I would hold you so tight


What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

That till yesterday was alright

Who could ever guess

That our bonding would be so slight


Romantic kisses lovely ones

Romantic kisses lovely ones

Making promises by the tons

And now you are telling me that

It was mere youthful ignorance


My misunderstanding

My misunderstanding

Was that love for me

Or a cruel showing

My misunderstanding

My misunderstanding

From today onwards

No more of worrying


What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong


The romantic moments that were ours

So beautiful so innocent

It seems they lasted only a few hours

And we do not know where they went


Romantic kisses lovely ones

Romantic kisses lovely ones

Making promises by the tons

And now you are telling me that

It was mere youthful ignorance


My misunderstanding

My misunderstanding

Was that love for me

Or a cruel showing

My misunderstanding

My misunderstanding

From today onwards

I’ll forget everything


The romantic moments that were ours

So beautiful so innocent

It seems they lasted only a few hours

And we do not know where they went


What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong now

What has gone wrong


The Original Hindi Lyrics of Galatfehmi from Nadaaniyan


kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kal hi talak toh sab theek tha

sunta tha meri dhadkan

tu itne nazdeek tha


kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kal hi talak toh sab theek tha

kisko pata tha

rishta ye itna baareek tha


ho ke ruaan sa meri jaan

ho ke ruaan sa meri jaan

de ke dilasa meri jaan

keh rahi hai jaane bhi de

theen dilon ki vo nadaaniyaan


ghalatfehmi meri

ghalatfehmi meri

vo tera pyaar tha

ya berahmi teri

ghalatfehmi meri

ghalatfehmi meri

fikr bas aaj se

nahi karni teri


kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya


tha beech mein jo apne dilon ke

kitna haseen tha, masoom tha

par khel tha vo kuch hi dinon ka

humko kahaan ye maaloom tha


ho ke ruaan sa meri jaan

ho ke ruaan sa meri jaan

de ke dilasa meri jaan

keh rahi hai jaane bhi de

theen dilon ki wo nadaaniyaan


ghalatfehmi meri

ghalatfehmi meri

vo tera pyaar tha

ya berahmi teri

ghalatfehmi meri

ghalatfehmi meri

khabar bas aaj se

nahi rakhni teri


tha beech mein jo apne dilon ke

kitna haseen tha, masoom tha

par khel tha vo kuch hi dinon ka

humko kahaan ye maaloom tha


kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya yeh

kya ho gaya


The Literal English Translation of the Lyrics of Galatfehmi


What has happened

Everything was fine till yesterday

You could hear my heartbeat

You were that close to me


What has happened

Everything was fine till yesterday

Who could have known

That our relationship was so fragile


Feeling ecstatic my love

Giving solace my love

Now you say let it go

Those were just ignorant mistakes


It was my misunderstanding

Whether that was your love

Or your cruelty

It was my misunderstanding

From today

I will not worry about you


What was between our hearts

Was beautiful and innocent

But it was a game for a few days

We did not realise that


It was my misunderstanding

Whether that was your love

Or your cruelty

It was my misunderstanding

From today

I will not keep track of you


Galatfehmi Fact Sheet

·       Movie: Nadaaniyan
·       Singer: Tushar Joshi & Madhubanti Bagchi
·       Lyricist: Amitabh Bhattacharya
·       Composer: Sachin-Jigar
·       On Screen: Ibrahim Ali Khan & Khushi Kapoor
·       Producer: Karan Johar
Enjoy the lyric video of Galatfehmi.  Also check out the translation of Ishq Mein from Nadaaniyan
Please follow Bollywood Translations and give your feedback in the comments section. Connect with me on X and Instagram @HarshNev. In case you want any song to be translated, whether from Hindi films or otherwise, please mention in the comments.
All the translations are my original work. If you quote them, you must acknowledge my name and provide a link to Bollywood Translations.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ishq Mein Translated from 2005 Bollywood Movie Nadaaniyan


Ishq Mein – Poetic Translation of Hit Song with Star Kids

Meta Description: Ishq Mein is a duet from new Bollywood film Nadaaniyan releasing on March 7, 2005, 2025. Enjoy the debut movie of star kids Ibrahim Ali Khan and Khushi Kapoor.

Setting the Background for Translating Ishq Mein

2025 seems to the year for debut of star kid pairs. Azaad was released earlier this year with Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan in the lead. Now, on March 7, the public will get the first glimpse of Ibrahim Ali Khan (the son of Saif Ali Khan) and Khushi Kapoor (the daughter of Sridevi) in Nadaaniya. Some singles are already popular on social media, with Ishq Mein being the most popular.

The Poetic English Translation of the Lyrics of Ishq Mein


Since a few days now

Much more than before

I’ve started liking you

I don’t know what’s special

Dear about you that

I’ve started liking you


I had never before

Put my heart to a test in this way

In this way

Because never before

With any other person

Did love manifest in this way


In love

In love with you

What can I say to you my dear

In love with you

In love, in love

Yes head over heels through and through my dear

in love with you

In love, in love

Yes head over heels through and through my dear

In love with you


In love, in love

Yes head over heels through and through my dear

In love with you

In love, in love with you

In love, in love with you

High elation in love with you

In love, in love with you

In love, in love with you

Devastation in love with you


The day that you do not spend with me

The day that you do not spend with me

That day is not on my calendar

The talk that does not include you

To that talk I turn a deaf year

My passion had never

Before risen to a crest

In this way in this way

Because never before

With any other person

Did love manifest in this way


In love in love with you

What can I say to you my dear

In love with you

In love, in love

Yes head over heels through and through my dear

In love with you

In love, in love

Yes head over heels through and through my dear

In love with you

In love, in love with you

In love, in love with you

High elation in love with you

In love, in love with you

In love, in love with you

Devastation in love with you

Preoccupation in love with you

Transformation in love with you

Contemplation in love with you

Transformation in love with you


The Original Hindi Lyrics of Ishq Mein from Nadaaniyan


kuch dinon se mujhe
pehle se aur bhi
ache lagte ho tum

aisi tum mein sanam
jaane kya baat hai
ache lagte ho tum


maine dil ko kabhi
aazmaya hi na tha is tarah
is tarah

kyun-ki pehle mujhe
toh kisi pe bhi kabhi
pyar aaya na tha is tarah


ishq mein..
tere ishq mein
tujhe kya bataun yaara
tere ishq mein

ishq mein, ishq mein
haan main kis kadar fida hoon yaara

tere ishq mein

ishq mein, ishq mein
haan main kis kadar fida hoon yaara

tere ishq mein

ishq mein, ishq mein
haan main kis kadar fida hoon yaara

tere ishq mein

ishq mein tere ishq mein
ishq mein tere ishq mein
ek nasha hai tere ishq mein

ishq mein tere ishq mein
ishq mein tere ishq mein
sab fanna hai tere ishq mein


ho jis din mujhe tu na mile
ho jis din mujhe tu na mile
usko main din hi ginta nahi

hoti nahi jo tujhse judi
main baat hi woh sunta nahi


haan kisi ka nasha
sar chadhaya hi na tha
is tarah is tarah

kyunki pehle mujhe
toh kisi pe bhi kabhi
pyar aaya na tha is tarha

ishq mein tere ishq mein
tujhe kya bataun yaara

tere ishq mein

ishq mein, ishq mein
haan main kis kadar fida hoon yaara

tere ishq mein

ishq mein, ishq mein
haan main kis kadar fida hoon yaara

tere ishq mein

ishq mein tere ishq mein
ishq mein tere ishq mein
ek nasha hai tere ishq mein

ishq mein tere ishq mein
ishq mein tere ishq mein

sab fanna hai tere ishq mein

jabse pada mein tere ishq mein
main na raha main tere ishq mein
kuch toh hua hai tere ishq mein
main na raha main tere ishq mein



Ishq Mein Fact Sheet

·       Movie: Nadaaniyan
·       Singer: Sachet Tandon & Asees Kaur
·       Lyricist: Amitabh Bhattacharya
·       Composer: Sachin-Jigar
·       On Screen: Ibrahim Ali Khan & Khushi Kapoor
·       Producer: Karan Johar
Enjoy the lyric video of Ishq Mein.  Watch this space for translations of other songs from Nadaaniyan.
Please follow Bollywood Translations and give your feedback in the comments section. Connect with me on X and Instagram @HarshNev. In case you want any song to be translated, whether from Hindi films or otherwise, please mention in the comments.
All the translations are my original work. If you quote them, you must acknowledge my name and provide a link to Bollywood Translations.